We've supplied our All-Natural Mold treatment to large hydroponic farms for many years. MoldGuard is now the preferred solution used by the largest farms. We're finally making it available in a smaller size for small and mid-sized farms!
Mold is the primary enemy of indoor farms. Indoors we just don't have many of the natural defenses that Mother Nature deploys to destroy Mold and keep it in check. We spent years studying the best ways plants naturally defend themselves against Mold - and we've included the best ingredients in our recipe! This all botanical, Food-Grade product will transform your growing experience!
Our recipe is effective on all varieties of Mold that affect Microgreens. It also works to eliminate Pythium to prevent damping off. Simply add a few drops to your water sprayers and water just as you normally do.
Most industrial scale hydroponic farms do not use Hydrogen Peroxide for mold remediation. The reasons why are numerous. First and foremost, it isn't very efficient. The cost is significant, and it only remains active for a short time after application. It doesn't ever eliminate the mold in your tray, instead it just reduces the colony to the point where you can't see it and you can get a harvestable crop. Hydrogen Peroxide kills by causing DNA damage to organic matter. It's produced in large scale chemical plants using highly toxic ingredients, including sulfuric acid.
Our solution is comprised of All-Natural plant oils and extracts. It's all made by nature. We use citrus oils, herbs and spice extracts that are extremely effective against Mold Spores and we highly concentrate these compounds. It's also been shown to increase germination rates. If you're struggling with a difficult seed lot, give this solution a try!
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